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Controlling the system using a remote key

The presence of a remote key depends on the delivery set of the security system.

Remote Key

2-way remote key with LCD (liquid crystal display). 

image.png     image.png

The remote key with LCD uses a AAA 1.5 V battery. The battery life of the remote key with LCD is up to 6 months depending on operating conditions. LCD remote control and matching external RF868 transceiver are optional accessories and can be ordered from local dealer.

Meaning of icons on the remote key

Engine Start

Icon Meaning

Двигатель запущен.jpg

Engine is running

Включен автоматический запуск по будильнику.jpg

Automatic engine start by timer enabled

Включен автоматический периодический запуск.jpg

Periodic automatic engine start enabled

Включен автоматический запуск по температуре.png

Automatic start by temperature enabled

Включен автоматический запуск по падению напряжения АКБ.png

Automatic start by battery voltage drop enabled

Выполнена программная нейтраль.png

Program neutral executed

Включен подогрев двигателя (мигает).png

Parking heater activated (blinking)

Operating Modes

Icon Meaning

Автомобиль под охраной_2.png


Режим «Свободные руки».png

"Hands-Free" mode

Сервисный режим.png

Service mode

Режим настроек и программирования.png

Programming mode

button lock.png

Remote key's button lock

anti hijack.png

"Anti-hijack" mode

Security zones

Icon Meaning

Включено зажигание.png

Ignition is on

Затянут стояночный тормоз.png

Parking brake tighten

открыт капот.png

Hood open

Открыта дверь.png

Door open

Открыт багажник.png

Trunk open


Icon Meaning

Сработал датчик наклона или движения.png

Tilt or motion sensor triggered


Additional sensor 1 triggered


Additional sensor 2 triggered

tilt triggered.png

Tilt sensor triggered

motion triggered.png

Motion sensor triggered

Сработал предупредительный уровень датчика удара.png

Warning level of shock sensor triggered

Сработал тревожный уровень датчика удара.png

Alarm level of shock sensor triggered

Датчик удара отключен.png

Shock sensor disabled

Additional Information

Icon Meaning

Передача данных_2.png

Data Transmission

Замените батарейку в брелоке_2.png

Replace battery in remote key

Звук сирены включен_2.png

Siren sounds enabled

Сирена отключена_2.png

Siren sounds disabled

Main control commands from remote key


The following terms of button press duration are used in this manual:

Short Press

Pressing a single button (or two buttons simultaneously) for less than 1.5 seconds.

Example: icon-short-1.png — short press of the first button; icon-short-double-2-3.png — short press of buttons 2 and 3 simultaneously.

Long Press

Pressing and holding a button or two buttons until a melodic sound signal and vibration signal appear.

Two levels of long press are provided:

  • First-level long press — pressing a button until the first sound signal.

    Examples: icon-long-1.pngicon-note-1.png — first-level long press of the first button; icon-long-double-1-2.pngicon-note-1.png — first-level long press of the first and second buttons;

  • Second-level long press — pressing a button until the second sound signal;

    Examples: icon-long-4.pngicon-note-2.png — second-level long press of the fourth button.
Double Press

Two presses of the same button within 1 second.

Example: icon-short-1.pngicon-short-1.png — double press of the first button.

Triple Press

Three presses of the same button within 1 second.

Example: icon-short-1.pngicon-short-1.pngicon-short-1.png — triple press of the first button.

Sequential Press

Two presses of one or different buttons. The first press should be long (first or second level), the second press should be short. Release the first button before the second press.

Example: icon-long-2.pngicon-note-1.pngicon-short-1.png — sequential press of buttons 2 and 1.

Main control commands from remote key:

Command Button Combination
Arm without confirmation sound signals



Disarm without confirmation sound signals


Request vehicle statuses (engine and cabin temperature, battery voltage, fuel level). During remote engine start - remaining engine runtime.

Start engine


Stop engine


Activate parking heater


Deactivate parking heater


Search for vehicle in parking lot


Activate/deactivate shock sensor


Activate/deactivate tilt and motion sensor


Activate "Panic" mode


Unlock trunk

Enable automatic engine start configuration menu
Enable/disable service mode
icon-service-mode.png or configuration menu
Enable/disable "Hands-Free" mode configuration menu

Enable/disable button lock


Enable/disable "Button Autolock" function


Activate only remote key vibration signal


Activate sound profile 2


Activate sound profile 1


Activate sound profile 0


Activate sound profile --


Activate Flexible logic program


Configuration menu

Some functions of the security system are controlled through a configuration menu: control of the "Hands-Free" mode, service mode, setting the automatic engine start.

Entering and exiting the menu is done by long-pressing button 4: icon-long-4.pngicon-note-1.png. If no buttons on the remote key are pressed within 15 seconds, there will be an automatic exit from the menu. When entering the menu, the cursor will be set to the first icon. Transition to the next and previous menu items is done by short pressing buttons icon-short-1.png or icon-short-4.png, respectively. 

Selecting a function is done by short pressing buttons 2 and 3: icon-short-double-2-3.png.  Changing the parameter value is done by short pressing buttons icon-short-2.png or icon-short-3.png (decrease and increase, respectively). Holding the button for a long time increases the speed of changing the parameter value.

Transitions between menu items, changing parameters, and exiting the menu will be confirmed by a melodic sound signal.

Descriptions and management of settings are provided in the table.

 Icon Parameter Description Setting Step
Режим «Свободные руки».png
"Hands-Free" mode Enable/disable "Hands-Free" mode
Включен автоматический запуск по будильнику.jpg
Automatic engine start and preheater start by timer

Set the hours and minutes for engine start.

Switching between engine and preheater start settings is done by short pressing buttons 1_2.png and 3_4.png on the remote key.

When setting the engine start, the screen will display the digit "1", for preheater start — the digit "2".

1 minute
Включен автоматический периодический запуск.jpg

Periodic engine start

Set the frequency of engine start in hours 1 hour
Включен автоматический запуск по температуре.png
Automatic engine start by temperature Set the temperature value in degrees Celsius 1 ºС
Включен автоматический запуск по падению напряжения АКБ.png
Automatic engine start by battery voltage Set the battery voltage value in Volts 0.1 V
Сервисный режим.png
Service mode Enable/disable service mode

Settings Menu

The settings menu is intended for configuring the system operation parameters.

Entering and exiting the settings menu is done by long-pressing button 4: icon-long-4.pngicon-note-2.png. After entering the menu, the current state of the complex settings will appear on the remote key screen:


  • 1 — parameter value;
  • 2 — parameter number.

Transition to menu items is done by short pressing buttons icon-short-1.png or icon-short-4.png, to the previous and next item, respectively.

Decreasing and increasing the parameter value is done by short pressing buttons icon-short-2.png or icon-short-3.png, respectively. The longer the press, the more units the value changes.

Changing the parameter and exiting the menu will be confirmed by a melodic sound signal, transitions between menu items — by a vibration signal.

Setting the Time Zone

To set the time zone, select the 1 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png set the desired value. The minimum step size is 1 hour.

Current time is automatically retrieved from cellular network and satellites data (if GPS module is available).

Setting Light and Sound Indicators for Arming and Disarming

To configure the operation of light and sound indicators when arming and disarming, select the 2 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png  set the desired value.

Description of configuration options:

  • for silent arming and disarming (without light and sound indicators), set the value to 0;
  • for quiet (only light indication) — value 1;
  • for full (light and sound indication) — value 2;
  • for using only sound indication — value 3.

Setting Siren Volume for Arming and Disarming

To set the siren volume level, select the 3 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, select the desired siren volume level.

0 — no sound, 10 — maximum volume level.

Setting Light and Sound Indicators in "Alarm" Mode

To configure light and sound indicators in "Alarm" mode, select the 4 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value.

Description of configuration options:

  • for hidden indication (without light and sound indicators) set the value to 0;
  • for quiet (only light indication) — value 1;
  • for full (light and sound indication) — value 2.

Setting Siren Volume in "Alarm" Mode

To set the siren volume in "Alarm" mode, select the 5 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired siren volume level.

0 — no sound, 10 — maximum volume level.

Setting Motion Sensor Sensitivity

To adjust the motion sensor sensitivity level, select the 6 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 0 to 30.

0 — sensor disabled, 30 — maximum sensitivity level.

Setting Tilt Sensor Sensitivity

To adjust the tilt sensor sensitivity level, select the 7 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 0 to 30.

0 — sensor disabled, 30 — maximum sensitivity level.

Setting Warning Shock Sensor Sensitivity

To adjust the pre-warning shock sensor sensitivity level, select the 8 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 1 to 30.

0 — sensor disabled, 30 — maximum sensitivity level.

The selected pre-warning shock sensor sensitivity value must be greater than the alarm shock sensor sensitivity value.

Setting Alarm Shock Sensor Sensitivity

To adjust the alarm shock sensor sensitivity level, select the 9 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 0 to 29.

0 — sensor disabled, 29 — maximum sensitivity level.

The selected alarm shock sensor sensitivity value must be lower than the pre-warning shock sensor sensitivity value.

Setting Tag Loss Range

To set the range of the tag loss zone, select the 10 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 3 to 10.

3 — minimum range, 10 — maximum range.

The tag loss zone range should be greater than the tag detection zone range.

Ensure that the set tag loss zone range is sufficient from all sides of the vehicle.

Setting Tag Detection Range

To set the range of the tag detection zone, select the 11 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 1 to 8.

1 — minimum range, 8 — maximum range.

The detection zone should be smaller than the loss zone range.

Setting the Communication Check Period with the Remote Key

To set the communication check period with the remote key, select the 12 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, select the value 0 or 1.

Description of configuration options:

  • 0 — communication check disabled;
  • 1 — communication check occurs every 3 minutes.

Setting turbotimer run time

To set the turbotimer run time, select the 13  item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 1 to 5 minutes.

Setting remote/automatic engine start duration

To set the engine run time, select the 14 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 10 to 60 minutes.

Setting max duration of extended remote/automatic engine start

To set the max extended engine run time, select the 15 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 15 to 60 minutes.

Setting parking heater starting max duration

To set the max parking heater starting interval, select the 16 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 1 to 10 minutes.

Setting parking heater run time duration

To set the parking run time, select the 17 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 5 to 60 minutes.

Setting parking heater activation before remote engine start

To set the  parking heater activation before remote engine start, select the 18 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value 0 or 1.

Description of configuration options:

  • 0 — do not start parking heater;
  • 1 — start parking heater before remote engine start.

Setting parking heater activation before automatic engine start

To set the  parking heater activation before automatic engine start, select the 19 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value 0 or 1.

Description of configuration options:

  • 0 — do not start parking heater;
  • 1 — start parking heater before automatic engine start.

Setting temperature for parking heater activation before remote and automatic engine start

To set the parking heater activation temperature before remote and automatic engine start, select the 20 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from –5 to –30 ºС.

Setting temperature for automatic engine start

To set the temperature for automatic engine start, select the 21 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from +10 to –40 ºС.

Setting 2-way remote key detection range

To set the remote key detection range, select the 22 item in the settings menu. Then, using buttons icon-short-2.png and icon-short-3.png, set the desired value from 1 to 10. 1 – min distance, 10 – max distance.

Remote Sound Profile Menu

The menu offers 4 sound profiles with settings for various types of remote signals: command confirmation, alarm, and button press. Profile selection is done by pressing buttons on the remote.

The sound profile settings shown in the table are set by default.

Profile Name Button Combination




Maximum volume with all signals, vibration signal enabled.
Minimum volume with all signals, vibration signal enabled.
Vibration signal only, sound volume disabled.
4 SOUND --
Silent mode, sound volume and vibration signal disabled.

Adjusting Sound Profile Settings:

Enter the menu by long press of the button icon-long-3.pngicon-note-2.png. After entering, the current profile settings will be displayed.

Adjusting Command Confirmation Volume

image.png  image.png

  • 1 — volume level of the selected signal type;
  • 2 — number of the selected sound profile;
  • 3 — indication of volume settings for command confirmation signals;
  • 4 — vibration signal: Сработал тревожный уровень датчика удара.png— on, Датчик удара отключен.png — off.

Volume adjustment is done by short pressing the buttons icon-short-2.png or icon-short-3.png, respectively. A short press of the button icon-short-4.png enables or disables the vibration signal.

To switch to adjusting the next type of signal within the selected sound profile, press icon-short-1.png.

Adjusting Alarm Signal Volume


  • 1 — Selected signal type volume level;
  • 2 — Selected Sound Profile Number;
  • 3 — Vibration Signal: Сработал тревожный уровень датчика удара.png— on, Датчик удара отключен.png — off;
  • 4 — Volume Adjustment Indication for Alarm Signals.

Volume adjustment is done by short pressing the buttons icon-short-2.png or icon-short-3.png, respectively. A short press of the button icon-short-4.png enables or disables the vibration signal.

To switch to adjusting the next type of signal within the selected sound profile, press icon-short-1.png.

Adjusting Button Press Signal Volume


  • 1 — Volume Adjustment Indication for Button Presses.
  • 2 — Selected signal type volume level;
  • 3 — Selected Sound Profile Number;
  • 4 — Vibration Signal: Сработал тревожный уровень датчика удара.png— on, Датчик удара отключен.png — off.

Volume adjustment is done by short pressing the buttons icon-short-2.png or icon-short-3.png, respectively. A short press of the button icon-short-4.png enables or disables the vibration signal.

To switch to adjusting the next type of signal within the selected sound profile, press icon-short-1.png.

Exiting the menu automatically occurs after 10 seconds without pressing any buttons on the remote. After exiting, the name of the set profile will be displayed on the screen for several seconds:


Resetting Profile Settings to Factory Defaults

To reset profile settings to factory defaults, follow these steps:

  1. Select the desired sound profile using the corresponding button combination.
  2. Enter the sound profile menu by second-level long press of the 3 button: icon-long-3.pngicon-note-2.png.
  3. Repeat the second-level long press of the 3 button: icon-long-3.pngicon-note-1.pngicon-note-1.png.

Selecting a Sound Theme

In the sound profile menu, you can also set the tone of the remote key's sound signals by selecting one of the sound themes. To select a sound theme, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the sound profile menu by performing a second-level long press on button 3: icon-long-3.pngicon-note-2.png.
  2. Briefly press buttons icon-short-double-2-3.png simultaneously. The screen will display the name of the sound theme: BR-1 or BR-2.
  3. Briefly press buttons icon-short-double-2-3.png simultaneously to select the next sound theme.

By default, the BR-1 theme is set

You will automatically exit the menu after 10 seconds if no buttons on the remote key are pressed

Automatic Button Lock Function

When this function is activated, the remote key buttons are automatically locked after the backlight turns off. The function is enabled and disabled by performing a second-level long press on buttons 1 and 4: icon-long-double-1-4.pngicon-note-2.png.

Remote Key Locator Function

To locate the remote key, hold the service button for 5 seconds — the remote key will emit a sound signal.

Setting Time and Date

To set the current time and date, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the time and date settings menu by sequentially pressing button 4: icon-long-4.pngicon-note-1.pngicon-short-4.png.
  2. Use a short press of button icon-short-2.png to set the hours and a short press of button icon-short-3.png to set the minutes.


    • 1 — Hours;
    • 2 — Minutes.
  3. Briefly press button icon-short-1.png to proceed to set the current date.


    • 1 — Day;
    • 2 — Month;
    • 3 — Year.
  4. Use a short press of button icon-short-2.png to set the current day, a short press of button icon-short-3.png to set the current month, and a short press of button icon-short-4.png to set the current year.
  5.  To exit the menu, press buttons icon-short-double-2-3.png simultaneously.