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Safety precautions


Read the manual prior to use security system and pay attention to the sections marked with Screenshot 2023-11-28 163123.png. In order to check whether this security system is suitable for your car follow a vehicle instruction manual and manufacturer’s requirements.

StarLine security system is a complicated technical appliance implying connection to vehicle wiring and equipment, including those related to engine operation.

It must be installed by qualified and trained auto electronics technicians only, passed necessary training and examined on safety rules observing.

The security system configured parameters shall not contradict a vehicle instruction manual requirements.

User bears a full responsibility on any damage incurred to people, animals and assets as a result of inappropriate use of security system and violation safety precautions specified in this manual.

Manufacturer shall not be responsible for any losses and injuries caused with breaching safety rules described herein.

If your security system has a remote key or a wireless tag (transponder) follow below recommendations:

  • Do not carry remote key or tag on the same bundle with a car original keys

  • Always switch over the system to service mode when handing  a car

    over for maintenance or car wash. Do not give tags and remote keys to other persons in order to avoid unauthorized access to security functions

  • Do not leave remote key or tags in children and animals reach

  • Avoid any liquids ingress in remote key

  • Replace battery in remote key once a battery drain warning icon appears on display

  • Store a spare tag and/ or remote key battery in vehicle inside its factory packing

Mandatory safety precautions while use of remote engine start functionality

It should be borne in mind that a car is a source of extra hazard.

Driver can leave a vehicle only ensured that vehicle cannot move spontaneously or by unauthorized persons.

Study carefully the mandatory safety precautions for remote engine start option use:

  1. Always park a vehicle at open and well ventilated area.
  2. Always tighten a parking brake, which must be fully operable and insured of vehicle movement.
  3. Make sure of leaving vehicle with automatic transmission shifted to parking position and manual transmission shifted to neutral.
  4. On manual transmission version always execute “program neutral” procedure before leaving a vehicle to be able activate remote engine start then.
  5. Never give the security system remote key, tag or mobile phone with StarLine app over children or other persons unless operation manual carefully studied.
  6. Before remote engine start activation make sure of:        
  • engine and entire vehicle are fully operable with no faults indicated on dashboard;

  • sufficient level of fuel, oil, cooling and other technical fluids available;

  • necessary parameters of climate control unit, heating and other accessories are preset;

  • set fan regulator to an air circulation position for more effective cabin cooling or warming up.

Safety precautions while vehicle storage battery charging

Remember that any battery charging process implies supply of voltage exceeding the rated 12 V to the storage battery and accordingly to vehicle circuits, which may damage factory electronic and optional electronic equipment of vehicle.

Do not use charging and starting-charging devices for storage battery charging directly on vehicle without disconnecting battery terminals from vehicle circuits in following modes:

  • rapid charging by increased current («boost» or similar modes);

  • various START modes intended for engine starting

Never use starting and charging devices for engine starting with main battery disconnected or with inoperable main batteries connected (short circuits in banks, breakage of plates etc.)

Never use faulty charging devices, 24V charging devices and other power supply equipment (i.e. welding inverters), not dedicated to charge 12V vehicle batteries.

Owner is fully responsible for possible short circuit or surge voltage and damaging of security system and vehicle electronic components caused while using this method. 

Follow a safe storage battery charging procedure!

Before charging a battery terminals shall be disconnected from vehicle circuits.

Then battery charging can be started. After charging, connect battery terminals back to vehicle circuits.

It is necessary due to impossibility of detection main battery charge and health state without specific measuring equipment (i.e. internal short circuits or plates breaks). Connecting a charging device to an inoperable storage battery may cause a risk of car electronic equipment and security system damage with over voltage.