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Changing the emergency disarm code

To change the code, you need to know the current emergency disarm code.

The initial emergency disarm code is indicated on the owner's plastic card or PIN envelope included in the delivery set.

PIN envelope


The emergency disarm code may contain any digits except zero.

Changing the emergency disarm code via the service button

To change the emergency disarmament code using the service button, you need to first enter the current code and then the new code twice:

  1. Put the system in the "Disarmed" mode.
  2. Press the service button 4 times.
  3. Turn on the ignition. Confirm the action by observing 4 flashes of the service button LED and 4 sound signals.
  4. The system's transition to the emergency disarm code change mode will be confirmed by 2 short flashes of the service button LED and 2 sound signals.

    If there is no activity within 5 seconds, the system will automatically exit the emergency disarm code change mode.

  5. Turn off the ignition.
  6. Turn on the ignition and press the service button a number of times corresponding to the first digit of the current emergency disarm code.
  7. Turn off the ignition. The service button LED will light up, and the number of flashes will correspond to the digit position of the emergency disarm code (1, 2, 3, or 4 times).
  8. Repeat steps 6...7 for the remaining code digits.
  9. There will be 2 flashes of the service button LED and 2 sound signals, confirming the correct entry of the current code.
  10. Turn on the ignition. Press the service button a number of times corresponding to the first digit of the new emergency disarm code.
  11. Turn off the ignition. The service button LED will light up, and the number of flashes will correspond to the digit position of the emergency disarm code (1, 2, 3, or 4 times).
  12. Repeat steps 10...11 for the remaining new code digits.
  13. There will be 2 flashes of the service button LED and 2 sound signals, confirming the acceptance of the new emergency disarm code.
  14. Enter the new code again by repeating steps 10...12.
  15. There will be 2 flashes of the service button LED and 2 sound signals, confirming the recording of the new emergency disarm code.
Example of changing the emergency disarm code using the service button

To change the current emergency disarm code from 7184 to the new one, 5463, follow these steps:

    1. Ensure that the system is in "Disarmed" mode.
    2. Press the service button 4 times.
    3. Turn on the ignition. The service button will flash 4 times, accompanied by 4 beep sounds.
    4. The system will confirm the transition to the emergency disarm code change mode with 2 short flashes of the service button LED and 2 beep sounds.
    5. Turn on the ignition.
    6. Press the service button 7 times. Turn off the ignition.
    7. The service button will flash once.
    8. Turn on the ignition.
    9. Press the service button once. Turn off the ignition.
    10. The service button will flash twice.
    11. Turn on the ignition.
    12. Press the service button 8 times. Turn off the ignition.
    13. The service button will flash three times.
    14. Turn on the ignition.
    15. Press the service button 4 times. Turn off the ignition.
    16. The service button will flash four times.
    17. Two short LED flashes and 2 beep sounds will confirm the correct entry of the current code.
    18. Turn on the ignition.
    19. Press the service button 5 times. Turn off the ignition.
    20. The service button will flash once.
    21. Turn on the ignition.
    22. Press the service button 4 times. Turn off the ignition.
    23. The service button will flash twice.
    24. Turn on the ignition.
    25. Press the service button 6 times. Turn off the ignition.
    26. The service button will flash three times.
    27. Press the service button 3 times. Turn off the ignition.
    28. The service button will flash four times.
    29. Two short LED flashes and 2 beep sounds will confirm the acceptance of the new emergency disarm code.
    30. Turn on the ignition.
    31. Press the service button 5 times. Turn off the ignition.
    32. The service button will flash once.
    33. Turn on the ignition.
    34. Press the service button 4 times. Turn off the ignition.
    35. The service button will flash twice.
    36. Turn on the ignition.
    37. Press the service button 6 times. Turn off the ignition.
    38. The service button will flash three times.
    39. Press the service button 3 times. Turn off the ignition.
    40. The service button will flash four times.
    41. Two short LED flashes and 2 beep sounds will confirm the recording of the new emergency disarm code.