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Команды управления по GSM

StarLine S96, S9 Инструкция по эксплуатации

Управление комплексом при помощи голосового меню и SMS-команд осуществляется с телефона владельца (М1) и номеров, записанных в память комплекса (М2, М3, М4). Телефонный номер, с которого первый раз совершен звонок на номер комплекса, будет автоматически запис...

Описание работы

StarLine M22-96 Инструкция по эксплуатации

Управление предпусковым подогревателем Управление предпусковым подогревателем осуществляется по команде владельца одним из способов: SMS-командой  221 ; из мобильного приложения StarLine; из личного кабинета на сайте starline.online. Время работы подо...

Программное обеспечение

StarLine M22-96

Всё описание версий ПО для основного блока доступно по ссылке: Программное обеспечение

Программное обеспечение

StarLine I96 CAN

Всё описание версий ПО для основного блока и меток доступно по ссылке: Программное обеспечение

Практические задания для авторизации


Внимание!!!  Результаты заданий необходимо отправить одним письмом на почту x96@starline.ru.  В теме письма обязательно укажите: ваш город, название компании, в которой вы работаете, ваше имя и фамилию (пример: Пермь, ООО АБВ, Иван Петров).Письмо не должно...

Примеры практических заданий для авторизации


1. Умный обогрев  ПРОСТОЙ  2. Умные дворники  ПРОСТОЙ   3. Умные сигналы  ПРОСТОЙ  4. Умные зеркала  СРЕДНИЙ  5. Умный старт  СРЕДНИЙ  6. Умный климат  СРЕДНИЙ  7. Умный омыватель фар  СЛОЖНЫЙ  8. Умный свет  СЛОЖНЫЙ  9. Умная а...

Control with 2-way remote key (optional accessory)

StarLine S96v2, S9v2, E96v2 GSM User manual

LCD remote control and matching external RF868 transceiver are optional accessories and can be ordered from local dealer. Display icons meaning Remote engine start Icons Meaning Engine is running Automatic engine start by time...


StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO

Safety Measures for Operating the Immobilizer

StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO User manual

Please read carefully! Some simple requirements must be observed for safe use of the immobilizer: 1. The immobilizer shall be installed only by qualified specialists. The immobilizer is connected to the car circuits related to engine operation. A radio chann...

General Description

StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO User manual

The StarLine i95 LUX, i95, and i95 ECO immobilizers are designed to protect the vehicle from theft and hijacking (hereinafter referred to as the immobilizer). Protection is provided by engine blocking. Data exchange between system components is carried out via...

Technical Specifications

StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO User manual

Blocking module Parameter Value Frequency range of control radio signals, GHz 2.4 Type of control code dialogue Maximum coverage range up to 10 meters (*) Ingress Protection IP67 Supply Voltage, V 9–16 Consumption c...

Table of possible indications

StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO User manual

Event Tag (LED) Sound indication Notes Warning of upcoming engine blocking — intermittent sound signals Take action to stop the car Discharged tag battery 3 sound signals Install new battery Norm...

Control via Tag

StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO User manual

The tag serves as an electronic key. When traveling in a vehicle equipped with an immobilizer, it is necessary to always have the tag with you. Exchange of codes via radio channel between the tag and the locking module prevents engine locking during the jour...

Control via Indication Module

StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO User manual

The indication module is installed inside the vehicle. The main purpose of the indication module is to provide advance warning of an impending engine lockout, which may occur due to the absence of the tag or its battery being fully discharged. Additionally,...

Operation Modes and Functions

StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO User manual

The immobilizer is a system for engine start access with protection and service functions. For driving a vehicle equipped with the immobilizer, it is sufficient to have the tag with you. After the tag appears within the range of the locking module, automati...

Emergency Unlock Mode

StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO User manual

In case the tags are lost or the battery is discharged, the car's engine will be blocked. To continue driving, it's necessary to switch the immobilizer to "Emergency Unlock" mode. Entering this mode is done using the unlock code. The unlock code is located be...

Changing the unlock code

StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO User manual

To change the code to a new one, you need to know the current unlock code. Changing the unlock code requires entering the "Programming" mode. Entering the "Programming" mode for i95 ECO and i95 Immobilizers: Switch the immobilizer to "Emergency Unlock" mo...

Device registration mode

StarLine i95 LUX, i95, i95 ECO User manual

For registration of new components the immobilizer should be set to the device registration mode Switchover to the registration mode from the service mode is impossible  To prevent unauthorized tag registration, entry in the device registration mode is possi...

Control with wireless tag (transponder) (optional accessory)

StarLine S96v2, S9v2, E96v2 GSM User manual

Wireless tags availability depends on delivery set. The included and optional tags are supplied from factory in transport (power saving) mode, i.e. inactive! Pushing a tag button in this mode is indicated by green and red alternating flashes of the built-in...

Operation modes

StarLine S96v2, S9v2, E96v2 GSM User manual

Security modes Armed Disarmed Anti-hijack Alarm Panic Supplementary modes «Slave» Hands Free Service mode Registration Configuration Armed Mode Install external short range radio transceiver to c...