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Общее описание

StarLine M22-96 Инструкция по эксплуатации

Модуль StarLine М22-96 позволяет дистанционно управлять предпусковыми подогревателями Webasto, Eberspacher и Бинар с помощью SMS-команд, личного кабинета на сайте starline.online и из мобильного приложения StarLine. Возможность управления предпусковым подогре...

Технические характеристики

StarLine M22-96 Инструкция по эксплуатации

Параметр Значение Стандарт GSM 900–1800 МГц Количество SIM 2 SIM Исполнение антенны GSM внешняя (разъем FAKRA) Интерфейсы • 2 CAN• 1 UART• 1 USB• вход зажигания• 3 универсальных дискретных входа/выхода типа ОК• 3 универсальных ...

Схема подключения

StarLine M22-96

General description

StarLine S96, S9 User manual

Security telematic complexes StarLineS96 and StarLine S66 (hereinafter the complex) are intended for vehicle protection from theft and armed assault. Authorization of the owner occurs as a result of wireless exchange between the tag (or smartphone) and the mai...


StarLine S96, S9 User manual

Parameter Value Radio exchange protocol Bluetooth Smart Interfaces • 2 CAN • 2 LIN • 1 universal code bus StarLine Bus • 1 USB • 18 reconfigurable channels: • 17 outputs of OC (open collector) ОК –0,2А • 2 outputs 2А • 3 positive in...

Light and sound indication

StarLine S96, S9 User manual

The security complex informs about its status by means of sound (horn) and light signals (turn signals): — short signal; — long signal. Event Light signals Horn Security activation Security activation with security zone b...

Operation modes

StarLine S96, S9 User manual

 Security modes Security on Security off Alarm Panic  Additional modes «Slave» Hands free Service mode Device registration mode Telematic setting mode The security modes protect the car against theft. The...

GSM control commands

StarLine S96, S9 User manual

Complex control by means of GSM commands is only possible if the GSM module is available. The telephone number, from which the first call to the complex number was made, will be recorded automatically as the owner’s main number. All commands from this number ...

Change settings

StarLine S96, S9 User manual

Change of user settings is available in the personal account on the website starline.online.

Registration of tags and smartphones

StarLine S96, S9 User manual

Use the «Device registration» mode for registration of new  tags and smartphones. To prevent unauthorized adding of new components, entry in the device registration mode is possible only from the «Security off» mode. Tags and smartphones shall be registered ...

Emergency security deactivation

StarLine S96, S9 User manual

If the tag was lost, the tag battery has discharged, there is no access to the mobile application or the «Anti hijack» mode is on, use the code of emergency security deactivation given on the plastic card. Do the following to deactivate complex security: ...

Change of owner authorization code

StarLine S96, S9 User manual

The owner code is used for user authorization by means of the standard car buttons. Do as follows to change the owner authorization code: Deactivate complex security. Switch off ignition (if it is on). Press the service button 7 times. Switch on the ign...

Owner authorization code

StarLine S96, S9 User manual

This section is completed by an installer

Connection diagram

StarLine S96, S9

Installiation manual

StarLine S96, S9

An installiation manual is available at the link(to do).  The connection diagram is available in the current instructions on the ‘Connection Diagram’ page.


StarLine S96, S9

All descriptions of software versions for the main unit, remote keys, and tags are available at the link: Software(to do)

Программное обеспечение

StarLine E96v2, E9v2

Всё описание версий ПО для основного блока, брелоков и меток доступно по ссылке: Программное обеспечение

Программное обеспечение

StarLine M66v2

Всё описание версий ПО для основного блока, брелоков и меток доступно по ссылке: Программное обеспечение

Safety measures during the operation of the security system

StarLine S96, S9 User manual

Prior to operation of the security complex carefully read this manual paying special attention to the sections marked () and determine whether this security complex is suitable for your car, for which following the car manufacturer’s requirements and the car o...

Меры безопасности при эксплуатации охранного комплекса

StarLine S96, S9 Инструкция по эксплуатации

Пожалуйста, прочитайте внимательно! Перед началом эксплуатации охранного комплекса  внимательно прочитайте настоящую инструкцию и обратите особое внимание на разделы, отмеченные знаком . Для того чтобы определить, подходит ли данный охранный комплекс для Ваше...