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User manual

Safety precautions

Attention! Read the manual prior to use security system and pay attention to the sections marked...

General Description

Security telematic system StarLine S9 V3 (hereinafter the system) is intended for vehicle securin...

Technical Specifications

Parameter Values Short range control 2.4GHz Bluetooth Low Energy ...

Personal ID

Personal ID card Delivery set includes an owner personal ID card containing following data: ...

Light and sound indication

The security system provides various options for indicating modes such as "Disarmed", "Armed", an...

Controlling the system using a remote key

The presence of a remote key depends on the delivery set of the security system. Remote Key 2-w...

Controlling the System using a Wireless Tag (Transponder)

Additional Bluetooth remote tags (hereafter referred to as the tag), included in the package, are...

Operating Modes

Security modes Armed Disarmed Anti-hijack Alarm Panic Additional ...

GSM control commands

Controlling the system via voice menu and SMS commands is done from the owner's phone (M1) and th...

Change settings

Change of user settings is available in the personal account on the website starline.online.

Device Registration

To register new remote keys, tags, smartphones, and other wireless and wired accessories, use the...

Emergency disarming

Use the emergency disarmament code provided on the owner's plastic card or PIN envelope in the fo...

Changing the emergency disarm code

To change the code, you need to know the current emergency disarm code. The initial emergency di...

Changing the owner authorization code (PIN-to-Drive)

The owner authorization code is used to authenticate the user via the car's factory buttons. To c...